Tuesday 12 July 2011

My Birthing Experience

I always had a feeling that bub would come a little early, and as suspected, 2 weeks prior to bub’s  due date I woke up in the middle of the night with my “show”.  Mild contractions started, however I remember thinking how mild and manageable this was!  My pre-labour went on for 1.5 days and although tiring it was really not much more than “period pain”.  I kept going with the breathing techniques taught in the CalmBirth course which helped alot.  Contractions became closer together and when they were 3.5 minutes apart we headed for the hospital.  I got into the bath that night which pretty much stopped all contractions.  The obstetrician came in the morning and said that I was 2 cm dilated.  When I speak to other mothers at this point they go “holy shit, how much longer is this going to go for – yes I will get induced and give me the epidural please”, although I found that with the calm breathing and my approach to birthing I just stayed in the moment – I didn’t think how much longer or how long it has been – rather just stayed in the now.
Whilst examining me, the obstetrician accidentally broke my waters and then the contractions came in full swing.  I was fully dilated 2.5 hours later and another 2 hours after that Eve was born.  Transition was the most challenging – I was using my calm breathing and closing my eyes in between and then screaming during contractions – hahaha – must have been a funny sight!   My husband was extremely encouraging constantly telling me how great I was doing and that what I was doing is the most natural thing on earth.  The “pushing out” wasn’t that bad –  I didn’t find it as challenging as the transition stage. 
Once Eve was born all the hormones that were released made me feel amazing. Research shows that some of these hormones are blocked if drugs are used during child birth (refer to Sarah Buckley’s book Gentle Birthing, Gentle mothering).  I felt a rush of energy afterwards and can truly say it was the most empowering experience of my life!!  What made it so empowering was that I did this and I was in control – I wasn’t at the mercy of medical intervention but used the natural resources every woman is equipped with to have a baby.
I do believe that there is a place for medical intervention – in fact if it wasn’t for that my sister would have died during childbirth so I am extremely grateful for this – however I believe too often women are going for medical intervention when it is unnecessary.  Having done it naturally and comparing my experience with friends and family who didn’t I can honestly tell you that you feel so much more rejuvenated and fantastic after a natural birth.  If you had a natural birth or perhaps an epidural or caesarean, what was your experience like?

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